Here are a few suggested Scripture passages to help you get started.

The following words from Jesus Himself will help to givethe spirit of this whole children’s adoration program.

John 4:23-24 “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; and indeed the Father seeks such people to worship him. God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.”

Readings from John
1:18 – Father/Son Will of the Father
1:37-39 – Calling of John
3:16 – The Father’s Love
6:28-35 – Faith & Eucharist
6:38-40 – Will of Father
6:48-70 – Eucharist
8:12 – Jesus, the Light
10:11-15 – Good shepherd
12:44-46 – Faith
13:34-35 – True Love
14:1-4 – Faith/Trust
14:5-10 – Jesus the Way
14:15-17 – The Spirit of Truth
14:21-22 – True Love
14:23-24 – Indwelling of the Trinity in us
15:5-6 – Bear Fruit/Vine Branches
15:9-11- Father/Love
15:12-17- Love
17:21-22 – Love
17:24 – Father
17:26 – Trinitarian Love
18:37 – Truth
19:25-30 – At the Cross
20:19-23 – Appear to Disciples
20:24-29 – Doubts

Readings from Luke
1:26-33 – Angel
6:35-37 – Love
8:22-25 – Faith
9:12-17 – Eucharist
9:28-29, 35 – Transfiguration
10:21-22 – Father
10:25-28 – Love
10:38-42 – Martha and Mary
11:1-4 – Lord’s Prayer
15:1-7 – Lost Sheep
18:15-17 – Lost Son
18:28-30 – Stewardship
18:35-43 – Heals blind beggar
19:1-6 – Tax Collector
19:45-46 – Cleansing of Temple
22:39-46 – Agony in the Garden
23:8-9 – Herod Sees Jesus
23:33-37 – Crucifixion
23:39-43 – Crucifixion
23:44-46 – Death of Jesus

Readings from Matthew
5:7-9 – Beatitudes
5:43-48 – Love of Enemies
6:6 – Praying alone
6:7-15 – Lord’s Prayer
7:12 – Golden Rule
8:23-27 – Storm at Sea
14:22-33 – Walk on Water
18:1-4 – Greatest in the Kingdom
18:10-11 – Lost Sheep
18:19-20 – Two or three gathered
19:21-20 – Rich Young Man
22:37-40 – Love with whole heart
24:42-44 – Be prepared
26:26-29 – Lord’s Supper
26:36_44 –Agony in Garden
26:63-68 – Questioning Jesus
27:28-37 – Soldier/Jesus
27:45-50 – Death of Jesus
28:20 – With you Always

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