(These are just a few examples for use during your Holy Hours)
We adore You – here present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar – where You wait day and night to be our comfort, while we look forward to Your unveiled Presence in Heaven.
Jesus, our God, we adore You in all places where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved, especially where You are little honored and where sins are committed against this Sacrament of Love.
Jesus, our God, we adore You for all time, past, present, and future, for every soul that ever was, is, or shall be created.
Jesus, our God – Who for us has endured hunger and cold, labor and fatigue – we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Who for our sake has subjected Yourself to the humiliation of temptation, to the betrayal and rejection of friends, to the scorn of Your enemies – we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Who for us has endured the buffetings of Your Passion – the scourging – the crown of thorns, the heavy weight of the Cross – we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Who for our salvation, and that of all mankind was cruelly nailed to the Cross, hung thereon for three long hours in bitter agony – we adore You.
Jesus, our God, who for love of us, did institute this Blessed Sacrament – and who does offer Yourself daily for the sins of men – we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Who in Holy Communion becomes the Food of our souls – we adore You.
All: Jesus, our God, we adore You for all time, past, present, and future, for every soul that ever was, is, or shall be created. Grant us the grace to comfort You. Jesus, I live for you; Jesus, I die for you; Jesus, I am yours – in life and in death. Amen.
Acts of Adoration
(From the Writings of Pope JP II)
Jesus, our God, Living Bread of Heaven, -we adore You.
Jesus, our God, life and heart of the church-we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Radiant Mystery of Faith-we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Mystery of Mercy for all mankind- we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Center and Summit of the church’s life- we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Source of Charity-we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Nourishment of the faithful-we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Priceless Treasure of all who receive You- we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Love of the Father- we adore you.
Jesus, our God, Good Shepard, Bread Divine- we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Divine One who opens our eyes to light and our hearts to new hope- we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Source of Holiness- we adore You.
Jesus, our God, poured out for us- we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Who was obedient unto death- we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Helper of all who come to you- we adore You.
Jesus, our God, fore-taste of the joy of heaven- we adore You.
Jesus, our God, Bread of Angels and of pilgrims- we adore You.
All: Jesus, our God, we adore You for all time, past, present, and future, for every soul that ever was, is, or shall be created. Grant us the grace to comfort You. Jesus, I live for you; Jesus, I die for you; Jesus, I am yours – in life and in death. Amen.
Short Phrases of Adoration:
• Hello Jesus!
• Lord, I adore You, I bow in Your Holy Presence.
• Why are we here? Because Jesus invites you!
• Jesus, I give You my heart!
• He only wants a few minutes. Can we give that to Him?
• Lord, I adore You. I respect Your Holy Presence.
• Look at the Host and the crucifix. What is the difference?
• When the priest says, “This is My Body”, Jesus comes.
• Close your eyes and ears to everything but Jesus.
• Jesus, speak, I am listening.
• My God, I believe, I adore, and I trust in You.
• Jesus, fill my heart with Your love, so I can share it with others.
• In order to love others I must receive You into my heart.
• Thorns press into the head of Jesus, we push them in when we do wrong by hurting others.
• Who would like to receive Jesus into their heart? Invite Him! Jesus, come into my heart.
That is Faith!
He wants to be with us!
• Come into my heart. Come into my life.
• Jesus is gazing at you with so much love!
• Thank you, Jesus, for loving us so much!
• I know you are God; and I respect your Holy Presence.
• This chapel is an awesome place to be! What is different from our classroom? Jesus is HERE!
• The Bible is important, we hear God speaking in the Gospel.
• How does He reduce Himself to be present in a little piece of bread?
• Nothing is impossible to God!
• My God, My God, I love You in the Most Blessed Sacrament!
• Jesus loves us and wants us to share His love with others.
• Your heart is like a little cup, we bring this to Jesus to fill us with His grace.
Jesus, fill my heart with your love, your peace.
• Come now, come and bow, before the Lord Our God!
• For each moment we spend here with Jesus, our souls are changed forever!
• Thank you Jesus for blessing us today!
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