What does Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II,
say about the importance of Eucharistic Adoration?

“I urge priests, religious and lay people to continue and redouble their efforts to teach the younger generations the meaning and value of Eucharistic adoration and devotion. How will young people be able to know the Lord if they are not introduced to the mystery of his presence? Like the young Samuel, by learning the words of the prayer of the heart, they will be closer to the Lord, who will accompany them in their spiritual and human growth, and in the missionary witness which they must give throughout their life. The Eucharistic mystery is in fact the “summit of evangelization” (Lumen Gentium, n. 28), for it is the most eminent testimony to Christ’s Resurrection. All interior life needs silence and intimacy with Christ in order to develop. This gradual familiarity with the Lord will enable certain young people to be involved in serving as acolytes and to taking a more active part in Mass; for young boys, to be near the altar is also a privileged opportunity to hear Christ’s call to follow him more radically in the priestly ministry.”
– Holy Father, Pope John Paul II,
From the Vatican, 28 May 1996

“…Yes, beloved brothers and sisters, it is important that we live and teach how to live the total mysteries of the Eucharist: the Sacrament of Sacrifice, of the Banquet, and of the permanent Presence of Jesus Christ the Savior….the several forms of worship of the Most Holy Eucharist are an extension and at the same time a preparation for the Sacrifice of the Mass and Communion. Will it be necessary to insist again on the deep spiritual and theological motivations of worship to the Most Holy Sacrament outside of the celebration of the Mass? It is true that the reservation of the Sacrament was made, from the beginning, in order to be able to take Communion to the sick and to those absent from the celebration. But, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church says, ‘for the deepening of the faith in the Real Presence of Christ in His Eucharist, the Church became aware of the meaning of the silent adoration of the Lord present under the Eucharistic species’” (n. 1379).
(Pope John Paul II, June 1993 homily at the 45th International Eucharistic Congress in Seville, Spain)

He has beckoned us over and over again during his papacy, “Open, indeed, open wide the doors to Christ!” May we open our hearts and our Churches that Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament may be perpetually adored, that we may do the will of Our Father in Heaven and Our Father on earth today, that His Kingdom may come. Then we will have answered the call of Our Blessed Mother Mary and help bring all souls to her Eucharistic Son.

“I come to celebrate, above all, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, Who gives Himself to us in the Eucharist as the expression of Infinite Love, the mystery of our faith, the fountain of our Christian life…”

“Every member of the Church must be vigilant in seeing that this sacrament of love shall be at the center of the life of the people of God so that through all the manifestations of worship due to it, Christ shall be given back ‘love for love,’ and truly become the life of our souls,”

“Our communal worship at Mass must be together with our personal worship of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration in order that our love may be complete,”

“Outside the Eucharistic celebration, the Church is careful to venerate the Blessed Sacrament … Remaining in silence before the Blessed Sacrament, it is Christ totally and really present whom we discover, whom we adore and with whom we are in contact. …”

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